Product Line


WEH is a global thinking and acting group of companies with approximately 200 employees, whose products are used in all parts of the world. WEH has an international sales network and is represented in over 60 countries worldwide.
Please select the requested country from the list:
The respective distributor will be indicated below:

South Korea|WEH Sales partner

Hustec Inc.
Room No. 326, 15 Dong,
Shiheung Trading Center, 984,
Shiheung-3 Dong, Kumcheon-gu
Seoul 153-755
Phone:+82 2 891 5725
Fax:+82 2 893 2801


WEH GmbH | Precision Connectors
Address:WEH GmbH
Precision Connectors
Josef-Henle-Straße 1
89257 Illertissen
Phone:+49 (0) 7303 9609 - 0
Fax:+49 (0) 7303 9609 - 9999
WEH GmbH | Gas Technology
Address:WEH GmbH
Gas Technology
Josef-Henle-Straße 1
89257 Illertissen
Phone:+49 (0) 7303 95190 - 0
Fax:+49 (0) 7303 95190 - 9999

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